apARTment #2: Can you find the art?

Last weekend apARTment #2 happened! Ten artists were featured, which is a good size group, but as viewers came through no art was in plain sight. Everyone had to look a bit harder than if the show was in a gallery. Viewers peered into closets and above door frames to find the art and were pleasantly surprised. I won't say much more, you'll have to find it yourself. If you missed the show live, look through these pictures carefully, seeing if you can find the art (some images have a few pieces) or how it relates to its surroundings. Happy hunting!

Backyard Bliss

After living in this apartment for almost four years, I finally decided it was time for our backyard to be more than a jungle for cats to roam. After a few days of intense weeding, redirecting tree branches, stringing lights, transforming storage bins into comfortable benches, the place became magical. For me that was one of the most unexpected parts of this show. Having grown up in California, I never thought of this backyard as "big"...but by NYC standards, it's massive. My mom, who visited and helped with the show, guessed there were at least 75 people who came through this apartment over the two days (and she's a CPA so pretty sure she's got her numbers right!). For any NYC apartment, that's quite a gathering.